Devotionals 06 Jul 2022 Unknown Author
You can never put God inside a box. His love is so deep and wide. No one can ever fathom the depths of His compassion and grace. Your mistakes are nothing compared to His power. So if you are so disappointed with yourself because of the wrong decisions that you committed, then don’t hide away from His presence. Seek His love and trust in His goodness. Remember the blessings that He gave you so that you will no longer be scared to approach Him. Do not dwell on the bad things that happened in your life. You can take note of the lesson, but don’t allow your emotions to affect your actions. Be humble and choose to stay in His presence.
Focus on His love. You will find it hard to keep moving if all you see are the negative things that happened. You won’t see the bigger picture, and you will fail to notice the blessings that God provided. That’s why reminisce the good things that you experienced, especially those moments when you witness His miracles. In such a way, you will slowly feel God’s loving embrace. When you already carry the consequences of your wrong decisions, choose to lift your hands in worship and let the lyrics of the songs remind you how wonderful and glorious your Savior is.
There are hidden blessings behind all your mistakes. There are wonderful treasures that you can get. One thing that can help you so that you can move forward is to set your eyes on the lessons that you learned. Keep those lessons because you will use them, especially in handling bigger problems. Try to look at the things that you can change and improve. Do not allow the frustrations to control your thoughts. Instead, thank God for giving you the chance to grow in His arms. Things will be okay. You will soon recover, and you will see yourself from a different perspective. He is preparing everything ahead, so don’t worry.
God will never stop loving you. He hates sin, but all you need to do is ask for His forgiveness and choose to repent. After that, He will give you the strength you need to keep moving. He will show you how powerful and big He is. His goodness will change the way you perceive yourself. And He will open your eyes to the things you fail to appreciate. Do not be dismayed. Your Heavenly Father is waiting for you to accept His mercy and love.
Devotionals 03 Mar 2022 Unknown Author
God knows the perfect timing. When He asks you to wait, then it means, He is preparing things that are beyond what you can imagine. So do not be in a hurry. Do not focus on your own timeline. Instead, acknowledge the will of God and let Him do His thing. The waiting season may not be that easy, but be strong and take heart! Choose to trust in His promises because He will fulfill all of them. He is always faithful, and He knows what He is doing. Let your faith be greater than your doubts. Believe in Him and enjoy the process of waiting.
I pray that you will choose to wait for the Lord and stop following your own schedule.