News Stories 20 Feb 2023 Media Officer
Busanim Creek Seventh-Day Adventist Church recently conducted its first health check for 2023 aimed at promoting good oral health among its members. The program was initiated by the Adventist Health department of the church and was facilitated by dentist Fred Sebastian of Your Dental Friend.
The health check was conducted over two days, starting yesterday and concluding today. The check mainly focused on removing cavities, treating sore teeth, and performing tooth implants. The program was initiated due to the high level of concern among Adventist members at Busanim Creek regarding their oral health.
On the first day of the program, many members turned up, joining the long queue to receive their oral health check. Unfortunately, some were sent back due to the shortage of anesthesia.
Today, the members returned to continue the check as well as to collect their tooth implants, prepared by the dentist. The program was deemed successful, and the health leader, Miriam Warahin, expressed her gratitude for the high turnout compared to the previous health checks conducted last year.
The health department of the church aims to improve the overall health of its members by conducting regular check-ups and promoting healthy habits. The success of this program is a testament to the commitment of the church and its members towards better health.
News Stories 12 Dec 2021 Adrian Ales
Busanim Creek AYM (Adventist Youth Ministry) ended the year successfully with an investiture program yesterday despite the many hardships faced.
A total of 68 registered AYM members of Busanim Creek Adventist church were awarded pins and honours for their unwavering faith and faithfulness to the club despite having faced many challenges throughout this year, 2021.
The year 2021 was a very challenging year for the club. “The two major challenges we faced were the COVID-19 lockdowns and secondly, a good number of our club members were mostly new interests with non-Adventist backgrounds,” said Busanim Creek Pathfinder Director, Mrs. Kalibe Pangai “but with Christ on our side we managed to make it through,” she added.
With so many sabbaths missed due to the COVID-19 lockdowns, the Busanim Creek AYM club leaders and directors managed to call in a “Catch-Up” weekend camp on the Friday, 26th of November to Sunday, 28th of November 2021 where most club requirements and honours were done.
It was a tearful yet joyous moment for the dedicated club leaders and committed parents who managed to push through. Busanim Creek Adventist Church was the last one among the 8th organised churches in the new Huon District to finally invest its club members for the year 2021.
News Stories 25 Apr 2021 Adrian Ales
30 Church members from Busanim Seventh-day Adventist Church came together to donate blood to the Manalos Mamas Medivac as part of their “Save a Life” program today at ANGAU Memorial General Hospital today.
The ‘Save a Life’ program is a follow up program that is initiated by the Adventist Health Ministry department of Busanim Creek Seventh-day Adventist church after the “Nutrition Week” program that ended yesterday on the Sabbath. The church's 25 members including 5 new interests, raised their hands to the call from the health department to take part in the “Save a Life” program.
The whole program was made possible with the support of Ilopanek Foundation, a community service oriented organisation to provide one of their truck to transport the volunteers to Angau as well as providing some light refreshments for the 30 volunteers who donated their blood today.
"The visit by the church today at the blood bank at Angau was indeed a blessing because we ran out of blood and just as well, the church stepped in with the 'Save a Life' initiative to donate blood," stated one of the the duty nurses Sister Lovelyn Dare.
"I am blessed to be part of this worthy cause to help save a life with my blood," responded the Adventist Health Ministry leader Miriam Warahin, "and I also look forward to organise more of such programs for the church to participate in.
The blood bank is always open from Monday to Sunday for any volunteers to go in and donate their blood. Donating blood is also healthy for the body of those who have more excessive blood. "We are thankful for the church family at Busanim Creek and we hope to see more of such kind gestures from our other denominations and communities too as well," stated the Blood Bank manageress Sister Mary Hungito.