12 Feb 2023
"Liklik Resis Tasol" is a short film that explores the benefits of consuming organic garden food versus processed food. The story follows little Tau in his town school, who compete in a race against the village school to see who can win. Tau fuels himself with soft drinks while his opponents chooses to eat organic fruits from the garden. As the race progresses, Tau begins to feel sluggish and tired, while the village school kids maintains their energy levels and ultimately wins the race.
Through this fun and engaging storyline, "Liklik Resis Tasol" sheds light on the importance of a healthy diet and the impact it can have on our overall health and wellbeing. The film highlights the benefits of consuming fresh, organic fruits and vegetables and how they can help to increase energy levels and improve cognitive function.
Ultimately, "Liklik Resis Tasol" serves as a reminder that the foods we choose to fuel our bodies can have a significant impact on our health and quality of life. The film encourages viewers to consider making healthier choices when it comes to their diet and to prioritize consuming fresh, organic foods whenever possible.
Disclaimer: This film is being shared for educational purposes only. The film is not my property and I do not own the copyright to this film. All rights belong to the respective owners. No copyright infringement intended.